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+1 Votes MR_COVGUY69 is the lowest form of vermin on Camfrog. He gave me green in a room and then took it away from me a week later when I would not go in private with him. A NASTY piece of work who should be avoided at all cost. Download hasbi rabbi jallallah mp3. He tells everyone that he is server and room owner where infact he is just a predator who is looking to prey on vulnerable women.
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He has abused my friends and I on Camfrog over the last three years, badgering them for cybersex and then kicks and disables them out the room when they refuse. I agree, this lowest form of life verbually abused and harassed me and my family.
I unfortunatly gave him my telephone number, he sounded so sweet over camfrog but is a monster in real life. [size=large]He phoned all hours day and night pestering me for phone sex and when i told him no he would shout and swear at me I changed my number because of all the calls and texts he sent me Unreal!
TORTURE HORROR VICE GIRL IS CAGED; Boy left in canal with throat cut. MR_COVGUY69 = Joe Simkiss MR_COVGUY69 is still lying Shocking that even when evidence is presented to this forum with newspapers references, MR_COVGUY69 still refuses to acknowledge that he UNDERPAID A PROSTITUTE FOR SEX backdoor_ninja: i show u wot he say/do to me right?
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Maclover007: i post anonymous no worries backdoor_ninja: i dont care backdoor_ninja: ppl pay more attention sometimes when they know who they talkin about maclover007: i am with you maclover007: sign up at and discribe what happend.
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