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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6

Materi bahasa inggris kelas 6 sd kurikulum 13

Oct 2, 2013 - RECOUNT Choose the best answer. Richard and Philip invited Mrs Moffat to their barbecue. Richard and Philip's barbecue was, of course,.

Contoh Soal bahasa Inggris kelas 6 SD ini saya kumpulkan dari beberapa sumber baik di buku maupun di internet dan sebagian juga saya buat sendiri. Soal yang saya tampilkan hanyalah 10 soal saja, dan untuk mendapatkan soal selengkapnya silahkan download di link yang terdapat di bawah postingan. Hal ini saya lakukan agar loading page blog ini tidak berat dibuka oleh pengunjung di daerah dengan koneksi internet yang tidak stabil. Semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa pelajari materi lain di blog ini agar kamu bisa menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan lancar. • John: Do you know this animal? Joshua: Yes, I do John: What do you call this animal? Joshua: Kangaroo John: Where does it live?

Joshua: It __ in Australia. Lives The dialogue for questions no 2 to 6.

Salsa met Intan in the green grocery. They talked about their favorite fruits and vegetables. Salsa: Hi, Intan. Nice to meet you here. __ (2) you like Durian? Intan: __ (3).

I don’t like the strong smell of it. What about you? Salsa: I really like it. I think durian is a delicious fruit. By the way, what do you __ (4)?

Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Sd Semester 1

Intan: Oranges and watermelon. Salsa: __ (5) your sister like them? Intan: Yes, she does.

Mmm, It is enough for me, I have to go home now. See you later. Salsa: __ (6). Yes, she does c.

No, she does no b. • You are welcome c. Nice to meet you d.

Ok, let’s go now The dialogue for questions no 7 to 8. Dafa: Would you come to my house, tomorrow? Delon: What date is it tomorrow? Dafa: It is December the twentieth. Delon: I am sorry, I can’t. Delon: My family will have a birthday party for my sister. Dafa: When was she born?

Delon: She was born on December the twentieth nineteen ninety-seven. Dafa: So she is eleven years old now. Delon: Yes, you are right. • Can Delon came to Dafa’s house tomorrow? Yes, he would c. No, he wouldn’t b.