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Oct 26th, 2017 11:04 pm So is this a full version for free, just that it'll say it's for educational purposes? I could say, use this for a home project, without the software telling me i need to pay for some upgrade? If I design something can I save it and open with paid version of AutoCAD? Great question, I was wondering the same thing. According to this web site you can remove the plot stamp: AutoCAD 2015 (and newer) has been designed to remove the plot stamp altogether when a drawing is saved. Classic tv theme songs mp3.
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Once a file is saved in 2015, it can be sent to users on earlier versions and the plot stamp will no longer be a part of the file. The DWGCONVERT command can be used to batch process re-saving multiple files.
With AutoCAD 2014 Service Pack 1, drawing files no longer show the educational plot stamp while plotting and no longer display the warning message when opened. However, the plot stamp is still in the file even though it does not show. The danger with this is that someone with AutoCAD 2014 SP1 could open a file and work on it without realizing it has the educational plot stamp. If that person then sends the file to someone without AutoCAD 2014 SP1, or who has an earlier version of AutoCAD, that person will see the warning and the plot stamp.
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AutoCAD 2014 SP1 will still propagate the plot stamp to other files. DWG TrueView can also be used to remove the plot stamp. From within the program, select the DWG Convert tool. Select the files that need the plot stamp stripped and convert them to the current format. This will create a ZIP file with new versions of the drawings.